The Center for Cultural Preservation is working to preserve the cultural history and traditions of the people of the Appalachian Mountains. As the population ages and modern technology takes over, much of their history and culture are being lost. As part of their Mountain Elder Wisdom project, the Center for Cultural Preservation has obtained oral histories from longtime residents of the area and collected their stories in video format. To increase accessibility, Adept Word Management has provided closed captioning for these oral histories, which you can view in their entirety below.
David Weintraub of the Center for Cultural Preservation is currently working on a fascinating documentary about the relationship between humans and sea turtles, which spans 60,000 years. The project is entitled Call of the Ancient Mariner, and you can learn more about that project via their Indiegogo funding page.
Providing captioning or transcription for an oral history is a little different than it would be for a presentation or television show. To preserve the local flavor of these oral histories, which is a fundamentally important part of the process, these captions are verbatim, and colloquialisms, grammar that is common to that locale, and spellings that represent the accent of the speaker are preserved.
Adept Word Management would love to work with you to caption and transcribe your oral history projects. Contact us today for more information!