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Intelligent Transcripts™

An Intelligent Transcript™ is more than just words on a page. It is a human-generated transcript with enhanced features. We can include hyperlinks to indicate where we found information as well as to direct the reader to additional information. We index the key terms. We can create a storyboard transcript that incorporates a presenter’s PowerPoint slides. We can create a YouTube video of a transcript scrolling across the screen while the audio plays (very cool with historical recordings).

We transcribe all types of recorded voice into text. Send us your audio or video recording and we will return it as a Word document or .html file, or PDF, or any format you need. We transcribe from and to most digital file types. If you need a recorder, we can provide one. We can copy edit, research names and places, or fact check any document. We can embed links to sources. Our transcripts are not just voice to text, they are dynamic documents with intelligent expert involvement–as only the human brain can do.

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