We’re looking for a qualitative research analyst. Someone to code in NVivio or ATLAS.it! You’ll work from the comfort of your own home, and you MUST have experience. … Read MoreSee Less
Adept’s Women in Business shared The Block Group, Inc.’s photo.
Advice from: Louisa May Alcott – www.TheBlockGroup.Net … Read MoreSee Less
Adept’s Oral Histories of Veterans
Oh, God Bless you, Sgt Slape, thank you for your sacrifice. … Read MoreSee Less
Adept’s Oral Histories of Houston shared Texas Tribune’s post.
Adept’s Oral Histories of Houston shared Texas Tribune’s post.
Adept Word Management, Inc – Intelligent Transcripts shared a link.
The politics of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vesna Smital is a proofreader for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian languages at BHRT, the Bosnian natio…
Adept’s Oral Histories of Houston
Adept Word Management, Inc – Intelligent Transcripts shared Captain Grammar Pants’s post.
Adept Word Management, Inc – Intelligent Transcripts shared American Library Association’s post.
A national performing arts non-profit that uses theater to deepen the civilian understanding of the military experience
A national performing arts non-profit that uses theater to deepen the civilian understanding of the military experience
University Think Tank
University Think Tank
9/11 Tribute Center
9/11 Tribute Center
KDL - Chem Singh
KDL - Chem Singh
William Howze, PhD
Nonsuch Projects
Picture Research and Copyright Clearance
William Howze, PhD
Nonsuch Projects
Picture Research and Copyright Clearance
New Day Limited
New Day Limited
Independent researcher
Independent researcher
Yaffe Deutser
National marketing/advertising agency
Yaffe Deutser
National marketing/advertising agency
South Windsor Library Oral History Project
South Windsor Library Oral History Project
Please contact us with your text needs.
We offer copy editing services for any type of text-based document. Our experts are members of or have been trained through the American Copy Editors Society (ACES) to ensure accurate results. We can review your copy, from an email blast to a blog post, to a website update, to a report or paper due on a project. You can send your work out with confidence, knowing that your text is perfected. We’ll even do fact-checking to ensure accuracy!